Thursday 1 January 2015

Post Op!!!!!!!!

Finally, my big brake!
On Thursday the 4 December 2014 i got a phone call telling me they had a bed available on the 19th if i wanted it (2 weeks time) and that was it, my big day was booked and i was going to start to live my life.

me getting ready for my gastric sleeve!!! 

i opted for the gastric sleeve which is where they cut away most of you stomach leaving you with about a pens sized gap for food and liquids! Hey, if it will make me thinner, i was willing to try anything!

And now im out the other end i feel like its the best and worst thing that i have ever done.
i know it will be better in the long run but right at that very moment when i came back out i felt so ruff, i had never had an op before and i couldn't explain what pain i was in to show how odd but painful it really was.
 This was my main wound after surgery, i went down on the 19th at 3.30ish and was taken back up to the ward about 8.30 (an hour in recovery to make sure i came back from the anesthetic ok) This was taken the next morning, but nothing compairs to how colourful my bruise gets in the next few pics

 Once i was aloud to take the pads off (or what ever you call them) you got to see the nice colourful bruise coming out :D best one i have ever had!!!
 i had 5 cuts, big one in the center (in pic) which was the biggest, one to the left, 2 to the right and one to the top of my stomach. Which were all put back together with surgical glue, which dissolves very slowly.

i thought that once i had this done, it could only get easier, i was wrong!!! yes im loosing weight, but there are so many bad things at the moment its hard to find the happy side of things.

i want to share with all readers my story as i go, i wont be easy but i want to give it a go, i owe that to myself!!!

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